
I’ve Been Everywhere, Man.



“Man, you need to write something new! What the hell has been going on lately?”

Well, so far in the two and a half weeks that have made up this month, I’ve logged fifteen flights, two train rides, and way too many nights in a different hotel room. It’s gotten to the point that the hotel room now stays the same, just the stuff inside the room changes. Every night. I’ve been to Newark, Wilkes-Barre, Trenton, Stamford, Detroit, Indianapolis, Lexington, Lincoln, Jacksonville, Columbia, and Stamford again before coming home finally. Just when I hoped it might slow down a bit,  I’m off for more flights and fun in a few short days. And pretty soon we’ll hop across the pond to England, which means  the annual WWE Corporate Retreat is just around the corner.

Has stuff happened? Sure it has. Has it been interesting?

Well, there’s been delayed planes, screaming babies, screaming producers, evacuation warnings, more screaming babies,  firemen, car crashes, football, wrestling, people sleeping in airports, swine flu, Macallan toasts, a Chat with the Chairman, weddings,leaves have fallen, snow has fallen (!), there’ve been even  more delays, drunk cab drivers, corn fields, plenty of laughing with old friends and new ones, lots of photography, and still more screaming babies, and that’s all just in the past two weeks. It’s been a blur.

It might sound like complaining, but rest assured, it’s the furthest thing from it. I love bouncing around like a pinball, even when the normally accelerated pace accelerates.

Wouldn’t have it any other way.

Normal yawn-inspiring blogging will resume shortly.

Categories : Random Blather


  1. Donna Rees says:

    The new place looks damned good!!

    It seems we are both vexed by the same spell. I walk out daily to the garage and gaze upon my tethered moto-beast and think, “where should I ride?”. I then go back into the house and pour another cup o’ java or a martini depending on the time of day and return to reading blogs!!

    Yours offers up some good stuff, you know like chocolate cake for the soul.

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