
All’s Quiet


With another great riding season safely tucked away in the history books, it’s time to plod forward into Fall. Somehow, Summer snuck out of town when nobody was looking, and now there is early morning frost (!) on the motorcycle, and what leaves remain paint the gray New England sky with frozen fireworks.

And of course, as the brilliant frozen fireworks display slowly fades away for another year, the lawn slowly disappears under remnants of Ma Nature’s spectacular show.

Soon enough, the lawn will disappear under a blanket of snow, and bare branches will scrape the sky. This time of year is difficult for me, as I wind down from the frantic pace of trying to cram the most excellent of everything into each day. A mild depression usually sets in, as I reflect on everything I did, and everything I still want to do. Without another great ride to plan, there seems to be nothing to write about, which is why this new blog doesn’t get updated as often as it should. The words that came so effortlessly now don’t seem to come at all. This winter promises to be especially depressing, as I’ll celebrate the dreaded arrival of the Big Four-Oh.


Yeah, it could be worse, it always could. I’ll enjoy the change of seasons as best I can, staying warm by the fire, planning new adventures, and of course toasting each day as the Best Day Ever, safe with the knowledge that as sure as the snow will soon fall, another riding season is just around the corner.

Categories : Random Blather

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