
Across the Pond – Sheffield Edition


The show that never ends has landed in Sheffield, UK this week, solidly putting the World in World Wrestling Entertainment. Sheffield is about as nice a place in England as can be found, which means it’s not quite as rainy, damp and cold as London is. When it’s not pouring down rain, the view from my hotel room is pretty nice:

And of course, as every city in England seems to have, there’s a big Ferris wheel in the center of town.


It’s almost sad that coming to the United Kingdom has become humdrum, just another place that work takes me. Speaking of work, this week I am working in a small, cramped audio closet in the back of a TV truck.

This tiny work area may have something to do with the humdrum feelings, as well as the claustrophobic ones.

Monday and Tuesday are show days. Parole starts Wednesday, when Fiona joins me in Manchester for some vacation in an undisclosed European destination. By undisclosed I mean undecided, in that we have no plan yet except to wander over to the airport in Manchester at some point and see where we feel like going. To me, is the best way to go on a motorcycle-less vacation.


Categories : Random Blather

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